Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ireland 2011, Day 10, April 21

Our bus drove through a small town where a funeral procession was walking through town. This piper led the way.
This picture was taken from our bus. This lady stood outside her store as the funeral procession walked by.

The Cliffs of Moher:

Lunch at Doolin.
Another picture from the bus. I was hoping for an image of sheep in pasture and even got a castle in the background!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ireland 2011, Day 9, April 20: Stephanie places 11th at Worlds!

Action photos from

Stephanie, Maura, and Brianna

Rachel, Stef, and Sarah--great feis friends!

Gaye (Rachel's mom), Stef, and Laura (Sarah's mom)  =)

Southern Region, USA dancers Stephanie, Maura, and Emma recalled!

My two World Recallers! Great job, girls!