Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our first day in Georgia,by Taylor

Well, for those who don't know, my dad and I went to Atlanta, Georgia for the weekend for a homeschool convention. Although I took tons of pictures, I don't have the card reader to get the pictures on to the computer. Hee Hee! I will after I get back though, now worries.:) (Mom, I know you are going to find a million grammar mistakes in here, but oh well.)

We left the house at 6:30 A.M.(ugh!)The drive up was about 9 hours, which is pretty good time. Katie and Jason Battaglia, are letting us stay with them, Thank you! They live about 15 minutes from the convention hall. We stopped, had lunch at the Cracker Barrel, and went the rest of the way there without stopping. Instead of going right to the Battaglias' house, we went to the convention hall to set up. After setting up, we went to Jason's Deli to eat. ( Their ice cream is so good!) We knew we had time to do whatever we wanted since Katie and Jason were both out, so we decided to see a movie. Thinking it looked good, we chose Journey to the Center of the Earth; it was fun. On the drive to their house, Dad and I were trying to think of a part in the movie that was actually possible. We didn't succeed!=D It was fun all the same. We got to Katie and Jason's house at about 9:45P.M. Talked for a little bit, then went to bed. I know it is kinda boring without the pics, but hopefully someone enjoyed the post!:)


Kate Van said...

Great post Tay! It's neat to hear what you are up to. I'm sure you are a good helper to your dad besides being just good company to him!

Wasko Family said...

Hi Tay! I loved hearing about your day. Post more, and I'll post about the yard sale, too. I love you. Tell Daddy I love him! I miss you both. Mommy

Bekah said...

Sounds like fun Tay! How fun that you and your dad get to make this special trip together! Love you!

Katie Virginia Battaglia said...

oooh! I liked reading the post :)

Mimi said...

Hey Taylor,

Hope you are having fun on your trip with your dad. So how would you rate the movie? A)must see B)Wait until it comes to C. Cafe C)rental or D) don't waste 2 hours?

Wasko Family said...

The movie was a don't waste two hours kinda movie. Sorry, it was just not very good at all. Will miss you at the Yard Sale tomorrow!
