Sunday, October 4, 2009

This is for the Hunts..... :)

Warning: this post has many inside jokes... and may not make sense... :)
We TOTALLY miss you guys and are so TOTALLY glad you are our friends! 
"Busch Gardens was the best day of my life!"
You hat stealers, chair removers, ball dodgers, water bottle stompers, flip flop runners, and TOTALLY LUCKY DUDES! :)
"my cheeks hurt. was an orange girl here?" 
"I'm the moose, I'm the moose, it's my birthday, its my birthday." 
Bad babysitting day........ those oreos were gooood! 
"Why? because im tall, dark, and handsome?" 
"Ok, leave my house now!" 
"At 40 MAALLS per hour!"
"S.S Jordan comin through!" 
"It's only awkward if you make it awkward." 
Taco Bell........... :) 
Don't mix up the words feet and socks... EVER!
Columbus day canoeing.... fun times!
We are TOTALLY your dedicated campers. Is all the TOTALLYS getting annoying? i TOTALLY hope so! 
"Taylor always looks like she's in deep thought..."

Swiing dancin! :) Like TOTALLY  a blast!
"Thats a lot of zits in one place." 
"What's that noise?" "It's a giant bumble bee!" 
 "Jearsh is mowin' the lawn."
Gasoline accident....... first timers always make mistakes...haha!
If your fingers are stuck in the window, roll the window down.
"Whats wrong with your nose JJ???"


Old Dominion Feis and Golden Corral.

Night at the museum 2, TOTALLY fun..... "That's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh, I like it, uh-huh, uh-huh!"

We love you guys so much! All these memories are so funny to think back on.  We've had a lot! Thank you for being our friends for so many years. WE TOTALLY CAN'T WAIT TILL YOU GET BACK!

Love from,
The Waskies


hunts said...

aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! Like, where in the world did you guys find that picture??!!?!?!?!?!?!? hahaha OH MY! And what is JJ doing wearing an Hawiian shirt? HAHA oh my goodness... we are all so little!I told you this would make me cry! haha we all laughed out loud! WOW! So many great memories with you guys! what about "Have you been to Alaska?" :) those were some sugar attacking brownies! haha
We miss you all! Can't wait to see ya soon! Thanks SO MUCH for the dedicated post! :) You all are the best! love you Waskeees! :)
love, ferf and the fam :)

Wasko Family said...

Aww... we're glad you like it! =) We've had that pic for a while and we scanned it for a different blog post a little bit ago. Haha! Aw, ferf don't cry! =) Hmm..I don't remember that Alaska thing!?!? Who said it and when did that happen?! ha ha! We thought of a ton more memories and funny things afterwards. =P We TOTALLY miss you too!!! <3<3<3


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