Wednesday, August 20, 2008

GCC Aerobics Class Field Trip to the Sound

On Monday, Mel's aerobics class from Greenbrier Country Club went to Mr. Basnight's place in Currituck.We went jet-skiing, tubing, played ping pong, volleyball, jumped on the trampoline, and kayaked.
Mrs. Parker's grandson, Parker. What an energetic little guy!

Jimmy Parker teaches at the club on Mondays and Thursdays. He seemed to have a great time jet-skiing.
Mr. Graf enjoying the day.
Cathy Tull and her daughter Victoria.

Debbie and Cathy, right before they tipped the jet ski.
Mel lost a bet, don't remember exactly what the bet was. She brought steak for the class. YUMMY!

Cheryl and Parker taking a little reading break.

Victoria and the Wasko girls.

The Gang. Rain or shine, we always whine! Thanks, Mr. Basnight for a great day.


Bekah said...

What a fun day! Man, too bad I gave up your class years ago... ;0)

Bethany said...

Awww fun. I miss working there. I think it is so great you still do that class and it looks like a lot of the same people are still coming. Say hello for me.